Unlike herbal teas which are made by the cup using teaspoons of herbs and steeped for 10 – 15 min, herbal infusions are made by the quart using 1 oz of dried herb and steeped 4-8 hours. The increased amount of herb and steeping time creates a potent infusion that can be drunk to help promote health, healing and vitality.
Transcript: Let's make a Comfrey herbal infusion. You will need a kitchen scale and a quart sized mason jar. Place the jar onto the scale and tare the weight. Then add 1 oz of dried Comfrey leaf into the jar. Boil yourself some water and pour the boiled water into the jar covering the plant material entirely. Seal this with the lid and allow it to steep for 8 hours. Once it's steeped, get yourself a bowl, a fine mesh strainer and a butter knife so you can open the sealed jar. Pour the infusion into the strainer and then squeeze the plant material very well. Now your infusion is ready to drink. Pour this into a clean mason jar, seal it well with the lid and store it in your fridge and be sure to drink it within 3 days, enjoy!